Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Wells Fargo more games playing

Here is the latest update:

We received a letter date November 2, 2015 from Anthony Bennum, Executive Mortgage Specialist. He asks our indulgence to move his responds date from November 2, 2015 to November 17, 2015. We responded on November 9, with the letter below, our sarcasm seems well founded as to today November 17, 2015 we have received nothing.
Dear Mr. Bennum,

Thank you for informing us of yet another delay. What puzzles us is the following facts;

1 Ms. Lessa Whit-Potter said in her letter of 05/08/2015 she would have results of her research by 05/21/2015.  No results send.
2 Ms. Lessa Whit-Potter said in her letter of 07/13/2015 she would have results of her research by 07/27/2015.  No results send.
3 Ms. Lessa Whit-Potter said in her letter of 10/05/2015 she would have results of her research by 10/19/2015.  No results send.

If Ms. Lessa Whit-Potter had completed the research the first time you would already have the answer.  She of course said a second time she would do the research. Surely this time it would have yielded an answer for you. No it didn’t get an answer, so you are doing the research (or some lowly associate).
Obviously Ms. Lessa Whit-Potter (or one of the lowly associates) never did any of the research or you would not be wasting your time doing it now.

Are you just playing a game with us? Hoping we will fade into the past giving up on what seems to be incompetence and lies.

We await your results on or after November 17 2015, although we don’t hold our breath in anticipation.

Very truly yours,
Felix Lagumen            Edward Arno